Friday, September 21, 2007


The word of the day is for My grandsons Andrew and Joshua. the word means fearless,bold brave and courageous. They will be entering a youth rodeo tommorrow and will ride some bucking calves.

My how time flies, I haven't updated since 09/7/07 and was chastised by my grandaughter Anna,who by the way has a birthday on 9/24/07. I did get a card in mail in time.

On the weekend of the 8th we went to Temple to get a grave stone for Ruby and present two pictures of hers to the church. see the pix I enclosed.

Nothing much earth shaking since then,just did real estate and weddings on weekends.

On 9/19/07 I spent the day at a business expo put on by our chamber of commerce. see the pix.

All day at office today. Hope to have a closing of a large sale on Monday. You know it's hard being self employed,as my son Terry is finding out I'm sure.


Friday, September 7, 2007

Quick update.

September 7th,2007

went to doctor to review blood tests and she tells me I have early stages of diabetes.Lose weight,watch diet,keep excercising.

Put Mercury in shop and estimate is $1500.

Since I lost my chewing teeth in botttom I can only eat soft foods. (milk shakes ?)

That's all the good news I have to report at this time.

Jesus is still holding it all together,so why worry. Pray for me when you think about it.

I,m still praying for my daughter-in law Cindy. Hope things are doing better for her.

Going to temple Saturday to get a headstone for Ruby,s grave,then to present some of her pix to her church on sunday.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


ANTIQUARIAN--\an-tuh-KWAIR-ee-un\,noun-- Aperson who deals in or collects old or rare books.

Do you know anyone like that. My wife of almost 50 years says that she is married to one.. We are going to have to enlarge the house to accomadate my books.

Sept 1 I worked at office and performed a wedding at 05:30PM

Sept 2 worled a few hours in realeste after church ttime.

Sept 3 everyone took off for labor day,but not Bayou Realtors. We were poen and I was at office answering phone which hardly rang.

Sept 4 was a big day, the oral surgeon cut my lower right bridgework out and extracted my wisdom tooth which anchored the bridge. needless to say I am eating soft food.

Sept 5 being today I am now caught up on posting.

How I would have liked to be in Coyle ,OK on the first day of school. My first day of school at Reagan in Temple in @1942 was not like that. What great memories are stored in 13 childrens memorie banks(one of course in Heaven).

Now I am going to post a few pix and hope I get them all right side up if you know what I mean Ernest.
the pix are of Carolyns yard of the month award and a tree that fell on todd's(uncle tooter) house.
