Monday, February 25, 2008


Doyen-- \DOY-en\, noun
The senior member of a body or group.

J.Helms Morris,is the 71 year old doyen of the W.B.and Vivian Morris clan.

Update on Miftari----- Have recieved several emails from Hyden. He is in Albania staying with Deti's brother. Kosovo is now in a very volatile condition. Please pray for he and his family.

Now back to my life story:We were in League City and I was Dickinson Division Manager. In 1975 and listened to the Spirit of God and resigned my position with GTE and went on the staff of League City First Baptist Church as the Business administrator. From 1975-1978 while serving as minister of business at the church I also taught evangelism schools in approximatly 10 churches in the area. Next time I'll start with some major changes in 1978. stay tuned.

wisdom from Proverbs-- "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."


Saturday, February 16, 2008


Our Home Land security Department has done an injustice to the Hyden Miftari family. they have dported Hyden to Kosovo with out any visa or passport. An agent just flew with him and left him at the airport. He is now in albania.

His wife and two girls are still here with no real means of support. It seems that our immigration dept has no compassion and does not mind tearing up a family. We have done all that we know to do including contacting our senators and congressman,to no avail. I am very disgusted with our goverment.

All for now.


Friday, February 8, 2008


the word of the day for yesterday was a perfect description of my time with some of my younger grandchildren in Oklahoma.

extempore\ik-STEM-puh-ree\ meaning without preparation; on the spur of the moment.

I was handed toy phone and I answered extemporaniously. what a hoot they got out of it. They could not get enough.

I don't have much time to put more on this blog. As we were leaving I think a drifter came in and I gave him a sweat shirt with a hood as you can see in the picture.

