A church directory picture-about 1973

Nana & Papa with grandkids in Oklahoma

J.H.Morris in his mafia days in Weslaco-about 1969

Tami & Jerry's wedding pictures

Terry and Cindy's wedding pictures

J.& carolyn with Todd,Terry,Tami and Andy

Picture from 1971 or 1972

J.H.Morris with Governor and Mrs Dolph Briscoe in 1972

the hee-haw group from sunday school class of about 1976
Lack of knowledge or awareness.
In my travels to Italy,India,and the Phiipines I stayed in many kinds of hotels. some were very fancy and some were very low class. Most had elevators. In some of the more ritzi hotels the elevators had attendants and some others had a panel on the wall inside the elevator. If there was an attendant all you had to do was tell him what floor you wanted. If there was no attendant you had to press the button of the floor you wanted to go to.
I guess some folks were not nescient of the fact you had to press the button. Some folks will understand why I have written about this, others will not be nescient of why.
Scripture for today: "Let your conversation be without covetousness: and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said,I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5