Bethany and Anna

Bunch of dogs
All the above pics are from Christmas 2010
autodidact\aw-toh-DY-dakt, noun--One who is self taught.
Abraham Lincoln was the ultimate AUTODIDACT, He made himself a lawyer,a legislator and a president. Sometimes I wonder if one who is an autodidact is most likely the best educated.
I have been very slothful in posting to my blog(blame it on facebook). No posting since November of last year. This posting started on 5/13/11, and now here it is 5,30/11. wow what do I do with my time?# on the 15th I taught Bible study class a Bay Area First Baptist church.
# 5/17/11 attended Bay Colony Toastmasters.
#Counseled with young couple about upcoming wedding .
#On 5/29/11 taught the 09:30 and the 11:00AM Bible classes at BAFBC.
# Here it is Memorial day and I have duty at Bayou Realtors.
will be adding many pics taken since Nov. 2010.
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