My bailiwick has many fronts: Grandparenting,management,ministry and real estate.
BAILIWICK\BAY-luh-wik\ noun, a persons specific area of knowledge,authority,interest,skill,or work.
I am sending out some pictures of Todd's house now that some trees and vegetation have been cleared out.
Here is a reading from Psalms on this Lord's day: OH, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! for His mercy endures forever.
Have a restful day.
PS: sorry My pics would not upload on my dial up here at house, will try later at office.
Also odn't forget to vote and be sure you vote "RIGHT"
BAILIWICK\BAY-luh-wik\ noun, a persons specific area of knowledge,authority,interest,skill,or work.
I am sending out some pictures of Todd's house now that some trees and vegetation have been cleared out.
Here is a reading from Psalms on this Lord's day: OH, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! for His mercy endures forever.
Have a restful day.
PS: sorry My pics would not upload on my dial up here at house, will try later at office.
Also odn't forget to vote and be sure you vote "RIGHT"
Well, it looks like they are getting stuff cleaned up there!
You and Nana on those bikes...hmmm, would like to see ya'll ridin' those! :-) I haven't seen you ride a bike in I don't know how long.
I don't know why that posted as Bethany...anyway, it's ME---Anna! :)
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