In our great country, many of our elected officials are guilty of MALFEASANCE.
mal-FEE-zuhns\,noun. "Wrong doing, misconduct,or behavior,especially by a public official." Nov 4th is the time to vote the corrupt officials out of office.
By the way, The Messiah's name is JESUS,not Obama. Please vote for any conservative and not Obama.
A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches,and loving favor rather than siver and gold.Prov:22:1
Arecap of yesterday: YMCA early,then the Business Expo from 10:00 - o4:oo.then a funeral for a 55 year old car accident victim. A tiring day then resting till bed time.
"watever you do, do it haeartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men." Colossians 3:23.
May god bless you all,
mal-FEE-zuhns\,noun. "Wrong doing, misconduct,or behavior,especially by a public official." Nov 4th is the time to vote the corrupt officials out of office.
By the way, The Messiah's name is JESUS,not Obama. Please vote for any conservative and not Obama.
A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches,and loving favor rather than siver and gold.Prov:22:1
Arecap of yesterday: YMCA early,then the Business Expo from 10:00 - o4:oo.then a funeral for a 55 year old car accident victim. A tiring day then resting till bed time.
"watever you do, do it haeartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men." Colossians 3:23.
May god bless you all,
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