Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The atelier

the word of the day for Monday 8/27 was atelier \at-I-YAY\, noun.
A workshop; a studio.

After reading this I wondered if Caleb and Daniel spent their BD in the atelier?

Since I have'nt had a posting since 8/18, I thought I better bring you up to date.
8/22 arrived at hospital at 8:00AM.
Dr T started the heart acath at 10:30AM and was finished at 11:40AM.
Left hospital for home at 5:15. I have to staay homebound for 48hrs.
Finally on Friday at noon I could drive,so I celebrated by going to get a hair cut.
Todd and Lynn both had birthdays,8/18 and 8/19 so we took them and courtney out on Saturday for seafood. I like a seafood diet (I see food and I eat it).
On Monday I had to do another blood test.
someone just came in and I will have to finish this later.

It is now later-8/31/2007 @ 1:30PM:
Yesterday was pretty uneventful,went to chamber of commerce function and a man was there and that made my day. His son who has some mental handicaps came to our bible school back in the early ninties at Bayou Baptist church. He was approximately 10-12 years old at the time. The family lives in Friendswood and were not members of our church,I don't know how they came to send him to our bible school,except by divine appt.
The young man wanted to accept Christ and be baptized.I talked with him at length and was sure he knew exactly what he was doing.His father was a little apprehensive and we had a long talk.He also felt his son understood what he was doing. He was baptized on the last night and seemed so at peace. I had not heard from him for 13-14 years.His father said he is doing great and is now 25 years old. the father said he would never forget the ministry to his precious son.that we did. Stories like that make it all worthwhile.

8/31/2007-- working at office as I write this epistle . Somehow I changed the script, and don't know how to change back.
As I read the last blog from "" I realized what a supernal blessing all my family and grandchildren are. They are indeed the crown of this old man.

Recently I have been nostalgic. I was thinking the other day about my trip with Dr.David B. Davis amd Mike Clements to the Philipines. I am putting some pictures on from IloIlo city aand our week at Central Philipines christian University.

That's all for now folks.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Mastigate on this

I subsribe to doctor dictionary for the word of the day. Today the word is "mastigate" This means to grind or crush with the teeth. Since my bridge has gone bad I really have trouble when I mastigate hard food. everyone should try to improve their vocabulary.

The proverb of the day is 18:24. A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother, His name is Jesus.

48 years ago tommorrow,a little boy was born in Robstown, Texas. He only weighed 5lbs,2ounces. His parents worked for General Telephon co. I speak of J. and Carolyn Morris.The boys name--J.Todd Morris. My how he did grow to over 6'tall and 240lbs.

Here is a few more pictures from trip to Oklahoma.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

recap of trip to "the farm"

We were met at the airport by my goateed son and Joshua. Then we headed for the farm.
Visited the new goats for a while before supper.

On saturday the older boys hauled 100 bales of hay in the AM and then hauled 100 bales to put in the barn for the goats.
Later we all went to the property that the crew is building a house. the property has a big lake,so some went boating and most everytone else went fishing. Jeremiah caugt a big bass and so did Caleb.Then at dark we roasted marshmellows. I almost forgot the 6 large pizzas and 5 half gallons of blue bell that diasappeard in a "New York minute".

Sunday was for the home church and then lunch. Later we went to view my 10 acres and the new fence that the boys put in so they could pasture for Elijahs herd.

At 1:00 PM on Monday we flew back to the home nest.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

tuesday 8/07/07

Read in book of Job early this AM,went for short walk. Then went to Sales meeting at office.

then I went for blood test concerning my sugar level. the Dr thinks I might be too sweet.

Waiting for tell me when my heart cath is sceduled.


Monday, August 6, 2007

my busy days

Wed. went to dermotologist.
Thursday underwent a stress test,which showed some blockage in ateries. Later that day went to Toastmasters meeting. That night did a wedding rehearsal at 06:00PM.

Friday worked at office until 6PM.

Saturday worked at office till 1PM,then performed wedding ceremony at 5:30PM.

Today Monday went back to see my cardiologist.He wants to schedule me for a heart catherization. That will be scheduled next week I hope since I have a very important trip planned for this next weekend.
The rest of today will be at the office.
