Monday, October 27, 2008


Re coating at the new RV park,The Palms.
Faircloth's surprise anniversary party.

Carolyn Marian Basham and Sarah

Tony Human, Spud Basham,Renee Human

Me presenting the Red Coat of the Quarter to Bert and Jean Trotta

Coroborate means to strengthen or make more certain with other evidence. This what we need to do with most polititians ads and speeches. I want to say to them:"liar,liar,pants are on fire".

Well today in history: The New York subway was opened in 1904.

"And whatsoever you do,do it heartily,as to the Lord,and not to men" Colossians 3:23

Only 8 more days until we know the fate of our great country -----VOTE RIGHT.

May God bless,


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